Mo Chroí (The Wingéd One)

Calum • 18 • Dublin

Hello, my name is Calum Franzoni, and as part of “This is Art!” project, I decided to create a heavily blended and layered graphite pencil piece that outlines the theme of: This is Imagination! I wanted my piece to be something that I hold dearly to my heart. I decided that i’d base my submission off of an Angel, whom is sitting facing the opposite side of where the viewers perspective is. This leaves room for the viewer to imagine what kind of beauty lays beneath the world of the paper, or what the story behind the subject may be. I wanted to also use black and white as the main tones, as I believe that not only is the pieces subject matter already spurs imagination, but also as a form to get the viewers interpretation of the true colours to shine. Whether they imagine the lining of the subjects skin to be blue, red, or green is completely up to the viewers interpretation. I believe using the medium of pencil also encourages the act of filling gaps and sparking ideas to what ethereal and divine presence the angel has. Along with this, the symbolism of having an Angel would also tie into the theme, as in the context of their background, Angels breath Imagination, whether that be from their various depictions that continue to defy the laws of human existence and nature. Many creative art forms, such as artists, creators, and writers often utilise angels as metaphors to describe more abstract concepts such as hope, inspiration and purity, as a means to layer their creative work with the spiritual world. This allows the constructs of angels to fuel imaginative explorations of morality, afterlife, or the existence of Higher powers amongst the lining of this blank page that we continue to colour in called Earth. Because after all we are all the earthly shadows of imagination.

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