My friend Ally the Alligator

Enzo • 4 • Kerry

My son enzo is 4 years old and he has always been fascinated with crocodiles and alligators. He draws them everyday at home and at school. When he was small i would read him stories about alligators, how they were big and strong and resilient. Enzo was born in abu dhabi and when he was 3 years old, we moved back to ireland and so his alligator drawings became little spirit/imaginary friends for enzo as he had to adjust to a new life; new friends and a new school. For enzo, his imaginative alligator friend in his drawings became a friend that he could voice big feelings to and to this day he draws the alligator and a big smile comes on his face. The alligator is known to represent perseverance and that can definitely be said of enzo also xx

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