Sia • 12 • Offaly
My name is Sia Jing and I created this art piece because it is almost Hallowe’en/Autumn and it is one of my favourite times of the year. When I lived in China, I never celebrated Hallowe’en but now that I am in Ireland I love Hallowe’en because I get lots of nice treats and I love to go trick-or-treating with my family and friends. Hallowe’en is a new tradition for me. I picked a pumpkin market because in China we use pumpkins to make cupcakes and porridge at this time of the year. It is a tradition I miss from home. In order to tie in with the theme, ‘This is Imagination’ I created cat-like characters and I choose to create an imaginary pumpkin house with pumpkins all over my piece. The pumpkin in the centre of the drawing is a pumpkin restaurant with the family home upstairs. My Dad owned a restaurant in China and this inspired me to draw a restaurant. The pumpkin shop behind the pumpkin house is similar to the shops in China. It ties in the traditions of China with the traditions in Ireland. This is how I would imagine a ‘Pumpkin Inspired World’. I used black pens, markers, pencils and paper to create my art piece.